7 Reasons to Retreat to the Alps in Season

Polly | December 8th, 2022
yoga retreat by mountain lake in the french alps

Sometimes clients call us to explain they would love to visit the Alps, but doubt they could cope with the mountainous environment. Don’t you have somewhere in the lowlands, they ask. Somewhere I could catch up with myself away from the city in nature?

That’s a perfect opening to explain that our Alps, as we know them, are far more climbing steep slopes, braving blizzards, and skiing downhill at breath-taking speed. Oh, there is far for more to the Alps that that, we reply. Please allow us to explain …

1. Lose Yourself in Mountain Views of Nature

Yoga Retreat in Chamonix Mont Blanc

Where else, but in the Alps could you holiday a thousand meters above the ocean, and surround yourself in pure, untouched nature? The tall alpine peaks are calling softly. Come and see what we have in store for you.

Our mountains offer more than just high peaks, friendly accommodation, and one of the last truly wild places in central Europe. There’s something else here too – a rock-solid presence that calms your restless mind.

Yoga Retreat in Chamonix

Imagine lounging on a bench, and watching nature unfold before you. Sip herbal teas and meditate under trickling waterfalls. Practice Qi Gong or Yoga to your heart’s desire. Revel in simply being here. 

A retreat into the Alps is more than testing adrenaline with sheer heights, and skiing off-piste. There’s a gentler side to this place we call our home. Come and hike barefoot in forests picking berries. Discover rare ephemeral flowers in their loveliest settings. 

2. Let the Seasons Intermix and Entice You

summer, autumn, winter and spring in the Alps

The seasons are more intermingled in the Alps than you may expect. One flows to the other so you hardly know it happened. However, the actual weather is more significant. Because it can change from sunshine, to rain, to snow, to sunshine in the same day.

But the air will always be nature’s fresh baked everywhere you go. Be calm, relaxed and at peace with your world. Soak in the atmosphere as you enter different spaces. Places where open-minded people relax and have fun.

Choose the season that takes your fancy most. You can return another day at a different time, and be pleasantly surprised all over again!

WINTER is your moment if you set your sights on snowy mountains with dots of skiers, and an après-ski atmosphere that’s close to your heart. However, you may prefer a winter retreat instead, where you explore the power of nature on soft snow shoes.

SPRING is the time when crowds melt away as the days warm. The world transforms into one where nature reawakens. Snowmelt crashes over cascades and through fast-flowing mountain streams. Relax and see it happen here.

Hiking retreat near Geneva in the Swiss Alps

Watch trees spring to life with brightest emerald green shoots. See fields brighten with shy ephemeral blooms and dandelions. Change is definitely in the air. The weather swings between cloud and rain, but also occasional warming sunshine.

SUMMER transforms the Alps to a playground of meadows carpeted with wild flowers, and green forests stretching far as your eyes see. Crystal clear lakes invite you to dip in. Waterfalls explode from rock faces above.

Now is the time to visit the Alps for hiking, mountain biking, paragliding, and enveloping in nature. But there are still myriads of quite spaces to roll out a Yoga mat. Or simply retire into yourself and do absolutely nothing else.

AUTUMN is when nature slows down and consolidates three seasons past. This is a perfect opportunity to chill out and catch up with yourself. Small crowds of tourists evaporate. Revel in peace that replaces them.

company weekend near Geneva in the French Alps

The weather can change quite dramatically from one day to another though. It can be moodily overcast, but then warm and sunny again. Find mushrooms and other treasures beneath golden leaves. But know that this is hunting season. So stick to signposted paths.

3. Revel in Superbly Homely, Quality Accommodation

Retreat accommodation for team building near Geneva
Chalet Grand Duc in Montriond, French Alps

Come to our Alps at any season that you wish, and escape those one-size-fits-all franchise hotels where everything is the same. Our charming range of chalets and farmhouse suites are tailored for people like you and we. Discerning people who insist on quality and character, personally managed by people who care.

Alpine mountain chalets are traditional five-to-seven-bedroom wooden houses, with private bathrooms.  Their owners set them aside for their discerning guests. That’s special people loving relaxing holidays among the most magnificent mountains anywhere.

Holiday retreat accommodation near Geneva
Chalet Ferme à Jules

Revel in generous living space, modern kitchens, long dining tables, balcony terraces or gardens with views, even an outdoor Jacuzzi perhaps. Tell us when you book, and we’ll suggest a stay where you may practice your yoga indoors or outdoors, as your heart calls.

Retreat holiday accommodation in the French Alps

Allow us to suggest one or two bespoke places we know well and have tried ourselves, if you are planning a retreat. There are talented chefs who prepare tasty meals. Others ensure everything is clean and efficient, and that everyone is happy. 

4. Discover Alpine Living on the Wild Side

Wild raspberries foraging in the French Alps

Do you find nature brings you closer to your roots, and the way life could be if we lived a little smarter? Well if that’s the case, you’ll be delighted to know our Alpine environment is alive with natural wildlife, once you leave cities, buildings and traffic behind. 

So come and be surrounded by mountains, forests, and lakes. All we ask in return is you respect the seasons, the rhythms, and the rules of nature for they were here first. You’ll feel safe and secure among nature’s bounty when you are part of it.

Sup mountain yoga retreat in France, Europe

What’s more, the ski industry makes it super easy to get around too. We have trains, cars, tele-cabins and chairlifts on all popular routes. You can climb our mountain peaks a far easier way nowadays. Stupendous destinations are all within reach.

It’s also great to know there are mountain rescue forces and volunteer teams living locally, and ready to help if someone encounters difficulty. Perhaps that’s why more and more people – ourselves included – move to remote mountain towns for a gentler lifestyle. 

Chairlifts in Summer Retreat holiday in the Alps

Some work from home, others participate in and support their communities. A holiday in the Alps could be more than a quick getaway. It could become an opportunity let life move aside in the slow lane. A chance to rejig priorities while exploring glorious nature.

5. Roam In the Open with New Friends

No matter what season you arrive in our Alps, whether alone or with a friend, you are sure to meet happy people who are open and relaxed. Our mountains and peaceful valleys seem light years from city stresses. Relax here with soul mates. Leave with new friends.

Awake early, breakfast lightly, hike to a waterfall, dive into the lake. Chat over a delicious light lunch later. It is so easy to connect in such a beautiful place. People come here from all over the world, all year round. It’s a natural place to catch up with yourself.

Team offsite retreat in the French Alps near Geneva

Speaking of which, an alpine mountain cabin or wood chalet is a natural magnet for like-minded people. They may come from different places, backgrounds, languages, and life experiences.  But they do share a similar curiosity to broaden their understanding.

Come to our Alps at any time of year that takes your fancy. Linger with us for a while, as you explore wellbeing, self-development, adventure and peaceful nature. This is a great opportunity to reinvigorate yourself.

Every season is the right time to connect with new companions, and enjoy being together. So break from routine, relax and recharge in an amazing place. Meet new likeminded people. Experience a unique vacation together with them, and make true friends for life! 

6. Our Alpine Retreats Are Easily Reached

Red train in Chamonix Mont Blanc

Sure, we are not the only incredibly beautiful mountain destination to catch up with yourself, and nature. New Zealand, Himalayas, India, and Thailand beckon. None can compete with the efficiency of our Alpine transport system and it does make a difference. 

Swiss flight to the Alps

We have major airports in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy less than an hour away from mountain retreats. Arrived relaxed in a comfortable minibus. Combine this with a peaceful train journey gazing out over countryside.

You won’t have to wait to arrive at your mountain chalet before you can relax. Have a comfortable nap, or allow an English-speaking driver to point out attractions. Avoid dodgy roads and undisciplined drivers. Chill out and relax while you travel in safe comfort here.

7. One Mountain Range, Seven Alpine Cultures

Traditional mountain music instrument Cor des Alpes

The Alps are one glorious mountain range, extending for 750 miles and reaching as high as 15,000 feet above the ocean.  France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Lichtenstein and Slovenia all fringe the mountains. Each has their own exciting culture.

Traditional mountain food and speciality in the Alps

Perhaps pick a country you have never been to before, or choose the one that loves you most. Use the moment to explore their culture and history further. Sample their food, taste their wine, learn to speak a few words of their language perhaps.

Let your imagination and life experience become as wide and as broad as you wish. And if you come here to practice yoga or meditation, you will not be disappointed. Explore the vast universe of variety in which we are blessed to live. Find a retreat that suits you here. 

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